This is part 2 of my take on Biden and his age; what’s happening with polls and the media and so on.
So Biden was forced out, probably by mainly Nancy Pelosi who is driven to win more than most and is also incredibly good at reading the tea leaves, so to speak. But he waited until after the Republican convention to pull out, and he probably did this to spare Kamala, his natural heir, the five days of hatred that were being mis-directed at Biden. He’s not an idiot.
I finally took a look at some of the footage of the debate and I simply did not understand, based on the few snippets I could find, what the problem was. But it’s undeniable that his withdrawal from the race — what he actually said is that he would not accept the nomination — has energized Gen Z, other young people, and Democrats in general as Kamala shops around for a vice president.
And because the media is now focused on her, Trump’s near miss — possibly staged assassination attempt — did not track. It gave him no bump. Recent pictures suggest he was not hit by a bullet and if he was hit by something, it was a shattered glass. But there have been no pictures, say, of the supposedly shattered teleprompter, no reports on what treatment he might have received, and no explanation of how he was allowed to stand up in the circle of secret service agents and wave his fist like he was some mythic hero — during an active shooter event no less! This is why so many people think it was staged and, of course, he knows no bottom. He is depraved.
The polls are generally in Kamala’s favor, but not by much. Mindy Beller today on Facebook declared that Fox news was circulating a false poll which showed her ahead in four important (battleground) states. She thinks they’re doing this to create apathy among democrats. But it seems like pouring an 8 ounce can of seltzer on a forest fire.
But really the media is at fault. The NY Times, Washington Post, Twitter and Facebook (to a lesser extent). I don’t use Instagram so I don’t know what’s going on with that one. But it’s really the need to generate likes and clicks and retweets and shares that has completely warped our system. People are not getting their news from what used to be considered reputable sources, like NBC nightly news or PBS. They’re swallowing all the garbage that’s on Twitter and Facebook and their minds are warped. I don’t know how a reckoning can be made of this, but Joe Biden was really a victim of this warped vision. There’s been no corresponding cry for Trump to withdraw from the race even though he shows all the signs of dementia.
It’s a shame the bullet missed. Some people I know say we would have had riots in the street (by his supporters), but I’m not so sure about that.