
It’s been so long since I had to write out my writing résumé, I don’t even think I can find it anymore. Nevertheless I will try. I used to group everything by type of work (short story, play, screenplay, novel), but I will work backwards and do it in reverse chronology.

“The Sound Artist,” a short story. 2nd place in Writer’s Digest 2019 short story contest.

“The Cigar Tree,” a novel. 2019. (See associated screenplay below.)

“Midnight Impala,” a short story, in the top 25 of Glimmer Train’s short story award for May/June 2018.  Link.

Participant at Bread Loaf Writers Conference, 2017.

“If You See Kay,” a short story, honorable mention in New Millenium Writings, 2016.

“Impaired.” In rewrites.

“Miss Over,” a novel, published 2014.

“Illyria,” a novel, published 2009.

“Blooming, a novel.” Not published.

“Blooming,” a short story, published by First Class Press about 2008.

“The Names Have Been Changed (To Protect The Insane),” a play in two acts. 2008 or so.

A Tendency To Say Ummm, a play in two acts. 2006 or so.

Side Effects, a play in two acts. Staged reading. 2004.

Tippy McKenzie, a screenplay. 1999.

The gAy-List, a screenplay. 1998.

Lost Dogs, a screenplay. Date is rather unclear right now.

Leona and Harry of Parma Heights, a comedy in one-act. (This was actually given a staged reading but the theatre company never told me and I only learned of it when I ran into someone a few months later. Playwrights get no respect.)

The Uncertainty Principle, a one-act.

Victoria’s Children, a play in two acts. Staged reading in NY and a small scene acted at a  Cerritos College Theatre Department presentation of new work.

The Chicken Screamer, a play in two acts. Staged reading at Theatre Off Park. 1990?

The Cigar Tree, a screenplay. Winner of Writers’ Guild East Foundation Fellowship. Runnerup in The Academy Foundation Fellowship. Long time ago. 

A Score of Zero In Tennis. A play in two acts. Performed over two nights at The Pearl Theatre, New York City, by Penta Productions. 1984. Original title was “What’s Mrs. Potato Head Doing On The Piano?”

And then some other plays that I can only remember by title. I have no copies because we didn’t use computers then: Change in the Gutter, The Sunroom, Six Roommates, The Mouse, and another I’ve completely forgotten. It was about a guy who meets a girl in Central Park and they argue a lot. Those were all written between 1980 and 1984.

Also, a resume isn’t complete without one’s significant teachers. Kenneth Silverman and Terrence McNally at NYU. Dick Zigun at New Dramatists. Meade Roberts at The New School for Social Research. Doug Katz, Alexander Steele, and Susan Breen at Gotham Writers Workshop.